Unstoppable us

The Classroom Challenge

INSPIRED BY Yuval Noah Harari's book series

Educational workshop in the format of a detective game.
Explore evolutionary theory while having fun!
For ages 9-13

Part 1: Are Humans Animals?

Your anthropology professor, Charlotte Darwina, got stuck inside her lab just before she was due to present her research: “Are Humans Animals?”
Now it’s up to you to investigate her disappearance, solve the mystery and publish her long-awaited research in time!

Part 2: Our Secret Superpower

Coming soon!

Play at school

Use the workshop either as part of a science curriculum or with other school disciplines (history, culture and more).

Teacher’s guide available
For more details on the activity and topics

Inspired by Yuval Noah Harari’s new book

Unstoppable Us: How Humans Took Over the World (an adaptation of Sapiens for kids). No need to read any book to play the game!

Solve the mysteries of human history

With this detective game, users can solve the fascinating mysteries of human history.

45-90 minutes

Depending on the pedagogical choices of teachers and the level of student involvement

Play at home

Use the workshop as a parent-child activity after school hours.

from the comfort of your laptop or tablet
On your own or with your friends and family

Sign up and get it first

    This workshop was co-created by

    Sapienship is an international social impact company co-founded by Prof. Yuval Noah Harari – the world renowned bestselling author of Sapiens. We advocate for global responsibility by creating initiatives in the fields of education and storytelling. Our mission is to clarify the global conversation, focus attention on the most important collective challenges, and support the quest for solutions.

    TRALALERE is a social impact enterprise, recognized among educational networks as one of the main EdTech players in France. The team is made up of 30 education enthusiasts, from instructional design to digital & audiovisual production as well as dissemination.
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